If you are looking for an inexpensive costume and great costumer service for Trinidad Carnival, I can personally recommend Rugeri Promotions which is a private section in Trini Revellers. You will get an all inclusive band (including mobile washrooms) with highly personalized, costumer-focused service at a price that can`t be beat – USD$417 for women and USD$333 for men.
For truly amazing costumes check out K2K Alliance, a new band that will redefine carnival. Their Monday wear is better than most Tuesday costumes. They are hoping to be a medium band and I predict will win medium band of the year. K2K Alliance will also provide makeup and you can choose to have your hair done instead of a head piece! I hope to see them on the road!Here`s a comprehensive list of all Trinidad Carnival bands which are not sold out:
Brian MacFarlane http://www.macfarlanecarnival.net/
D Harvard Boys http://harvardposse.50webs.com/
D Harvard Revellers http://www.dharvardrevellers.com
D Krewe http://www.dkrewecarnival.com/
Dream Team http://www.dreamteamtnt.com/
Explosion Carnival http://www.explosioncarnival.com/
Glenn Carvalho http://glenncarvalho.com/index.html
Harts Carnival http://www.hartscarnival.com/
Harvard Posse http://harvardposse.50webs.com/
Island People Mashttp://www.islandpeoplemas.com/
Just Friends http://www.justfriendstt.com/
K2K Alliance http://k2k-carnival.com/
Legacy http://www.legacycarnival.com/
Oasis Carnival http://oasiscarnival.com/
Pulse 8 http://www.pulse8carnival.com/
Roam Mas http://roamcarnival.com/
Ronnie and Caro http://www.ronnieandcaro.com/
Showtime http://www.showtimetrinidad.com/
Spice Carnival http://www.spicecarnivalband.com
Trini Revellers http://www.trinirevellersmas.com/
Wee International http://www.weeint.com/
Good luck in choosing your band for this year's Trinidad Carnival!