Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Still Time to Get Your Costume for Trinidad Carnival!

It’s still possible to get a costume for 2012 Trinidad Carnival. According to this article in the Trinidad Guardian, Costumes Going Fast for for Carnival 2012, although a few bands are sold out many are still open. While Brian MacFarlane saw a 20% increase in registrations in December, others like Trini Revellers, Legacy and D Krewe experienced slow sales from locals apparently due to the curfew during the state of emergency. What was not mentioned in the article is that Harts was sold out but has since added 2 additional sections.

If you are looking for an inexpensive costume and great costumer service for Trinidad Carnival, I can personally recommend Rugeri Promotions which is a private section in Trini Revellers. You will get an all inclusive band (including mobile washrooms) with highly personalized, costumer-focused service at a price that can`t be beat – USD$417 for women and USD$333 for men.
For truly amazing costumes check out K2K Alliance, a new band that will redefine carnival. Their Monday wear is better than most Tuesday costumes. They are hoping to be a medium band and I predict will win medium band of the year. K2K Alliance will also provide makeup and you can choose to have your hair done instead of a head piece! I hope to see them on the road!

Here`s a comprehensive list of all Trinidad Carnival bands which are not sold out:

Brian MacFarlane http://www.macfarlanecarnival.net/

D Harvard Boys http://harvardposse.50webs.com/

D Harvard Revellers http://www.dharvardrevellers.com

D Krewe http://www.dkrewecarnival.com/

Dream Team http://www.dreamteamtnt.com/

Explosion Carnival http://www.explosioncarnival.com/

Glenn Carvalho http://glenncarvalho.com/index.html

Harts Carnival http://www.hartscarnival.com/

Harvard Posse http://harvardposse.50webs.com/

Island People Mashttp://www.islandpeoplemas.com/

Just Friends http://www.justfriendstt.com/

K2K Alliance http://k2k-carnival.com/

Legacy http://www.legacycarnival.com/

Oasis Carnival http://oasiscarnival.com/

Pulse 8 http://www.pulse8carnival.com/

Roam Mas http://roamcarnival.com/

Ronnie and Caro http://www.ronnieandcaro.com/

Showtime http://www.showtimetrinidad.com/

Spice Carnival http://www.spicecarnivalband.com

Trini Revellers http://www.trinirevellersmas.com/

Wee International http://www.weeint.com/

Good luck in choosing your band for this year's Trinidad Carnival!