Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Trinidad Carnival Steelband Information

Perhaps it’s me, but now it feels like the steetband has taken a backseat in Trinidad Carnival. There was a time that I played mas on Carnival Monday, with my local steelband that practiced every night a short walk away from my house, and played ‘pretty mas’ on Carnival Tuesday.

I no longer live in Trinidad but the internet has made it so convenient for me to not only stay informed about Carnival, but I can book my flight, reserve my hotel, purchase fete tickets and register for mas, all from the comforts of my living room. But getting information on any stellband related stories, other than panorama, doesn’t seem that easy. So I did some research and now have a few links to share about most things concerning the steelpan:

Panorama Central Pan on the Net

2012 Panorama tunes on YouTube – over 50 tunes can be heard here.

2012 Panyard Addresses I encourage you to go hear a few bands practice for Panorama

Large Steelbands on the web

Birdsong website and on facebook

Harmonites on facebook

Invaders on facebook

Pamberi on facebook

Renegades website and on facebook

Siparia Deltones on facebook

Skiffle Bunch on facebook

Starlift on facebook

Trinidad All Stars on facebook

I hope you find the Trinidad Carnival steelband information helpful.